What is Underwater Experience ?
Underwater Experience is an experiment made during a Game Jam. The theme was "Alternative Controller". In this experiment, two players are inside a giant cardboard boxe, and are both driving a submarine looking at a screen.

• Platform : Pc
• Using Unity, Makey-Makey
• Project made in a Week
• Team of 4, but I was the only one present everyday during the week. So i built the submarine, C# and the documentation

How does this work ?
My group and I got the idea of making an experiment using cardboard and the idea of a submarine. To make this work, we used :
• Cardboard
• Tape (a lot)
• Speakers
• Sidestick
• Aluminium and Wires
• Ipad for the screen
• Blue Led

Here's an exemple of how i made this immersive experience :
The left part, allowing the submarine to move forward and backward, also up and down
The left part, allowing the submarine to move forward and backward, also up and down
The right side, who move the submarine left and right
The right side, who move the submarine left and right
The Makey Makey, connected to the PC and The wire, into the controllers
The Makey Makey, connected to the PC and The wire, into the controllers
Ingame, the submarine is constantly moving up. To make him go down, the player on the left use the block made of aluminium to make a contact. When the contact is made, the submarine goes down. The same player can control the speed of the submarine using the sidestick. On the right, the player can make the submarine going left and right using the homemade controller.

All of these controls are possible with the makey makey. The makey makey work with electricity, so if it receive a contact, it send an input, previously made in Unity. So i cut some holes inside the cardboard and put the wires inside.

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