One of the two way possible, the one on the left is the second one
Introduction - Details
I made this level because I wanted to make a level blockout in a big engine, and I already did some in Unity. I had some plugins to use, allowing me to make more than just a player who can walk, with the IWALS plugin.

I made a map while having Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid V in mind, using stealth and climbing. The player don't have any weapon, any enemy who spots him will kill him almost instantly.
• Solo project
• Unreal Engine 5
The map is divided in two path :

One is more focused on climbing and finding how to move toward the objective
It has been made that way because I imagined a game were the player can redo past maps in order to obtain all collectible, like chest. That way, each path has his own chests.
Design Process & Iterations
Making a moodboard for Atmosphere and Architectural References
My moodboard is divided in two categories. The one of the left is what I call a "Vibe Check", allowing me to see what type of atmosphere I want. It also helps with the lighting.

On the right, it's the architectural references, to help me make accurate and good looking buildings.

I was looking for medieval fortified castles and some medieval building as well, the game Kingdom Come Deliverance was also a great help for that. Also, The idea of a giant castle visible from the distance was inspired by the Stormveil Castle in Elden Ring.

Making a prototype version
The first version of the level was made without the ambiance in mind, it was mostly to familiarise myself with the player plugin and have an idea of gameplay. Also, it allowed me to have some playtest ready in a few weeks to make sure I wasn't going the wrong way.

It turned out to be really useful as I had some metrics problems with the camera, the overall idea was there but the execution was not conclusive. It needed more walls to make the player feel safe, the whole area was a square and it felt weird, and the lack of visual verticality did not helped.
Before / After

How the Castle Landmark transformed over the time

Design Choices and Methodology
I used mostly three ways to help the player move in the environnement.

First, I used lighting :

The spotlight indicate that you can escape from the building using it

The truck is visible when the player is on top of the building, showing the next step to get to the castle

Landmark : The objective is visible after every key moments, meaning after a platforming section, a stealth section, for exemple

Right after the prison

At the beggining of the truck section

Enemy Placement: Ennemies can kill the player instantly, so I placed them to make sur the player goes to the intended way

Those ennemies are placed at the center of the map, making it a small camp. The camp is delimited by broken walls to ensure the player have safe points

Ennemies have taken control of the mansion. They are mostly inside rooms

Ennemy Scripting
The IWALS plugin allow the user to customize the ennemies, the eyesight, the ennemy loadout etc.. For exemple, this was to check where and when the ennemy will sees and hear me. It was useful when making sure stealth sections were playable and fun using precise metrics.
Also, I could setup a patrol and movement route using splines and data table. It was compatible with the truck, so i was able to make it move constantly.
The script allowed wait time per points, how much time to reach a point, so I made the truck change speed to make a more realistic truck movement, and the ennemies had enough time to be stealth killed when they were waiting in one of the spline point.

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